Delhi Cantonment Road

Delhi Cantonment road

The most popular story around here is that a lady in white asks for lift from the passers by and if you don't stop your vehicle, the spirit sometimes sticks to the boot of the car or jumps over and this has been the cause of many accidents.
        This road is a terrifying place for those who have seen this   lady in white, of the many people who have seen her at Delhi Cantt road, 10-12 of them have died. The lady ghost often appears and disappears in front of the eyes of victims and those who have seen her have felt that she tried to make them nervous and horrified.


        Some people claim, this lady died in a car accident on cantt road and others claim her to be a hitchhiker, whatever might have been the reality, but people who know the history associated with this road advice not to stop the car if someone asks for lift.

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