Around 245 people have died on this highway since 2010. Temples have been built on both the ends, for travelers safety. A tall white lady is said to be haunting this highway.
People stop by a Van Devi Temple in Jamshedpur and those from Ranchi stop at Taimara Ghati Hanuman & Kali Mandir (in Bundu) for safe passage. A surprisingly large number of people are killed in road accidents between Bundu to Tamar, 40km stretch of the highway.
As per Suresh Singh, the priest of the valley temple "Travelers stop by and offer money here. I collect Rs 500 to Rs 1000 every day. Most of the locals, who are aware of the folklore, stop and pay donations and also advice people not to stop or change course if a lady in white appears in front of them. Sources -Locals -Times Of India article ( -Wikipedia (
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